About Me
Hi, I’m Takayuki Miyauchi, a web developer, living in Japan.
I am developing some WordPress plugins and Vagrant based development environment.
I also like to contribute WP-CLI as a committer.
I love Corgi, Scuba Diving and learning English. 🙂
Hey man,
Really sorry to bother you but can you help me with some configuration with VCCW? Not much resource online.
I’ve been using VCCW man as my local dev env for a while now, replaced XAMPP/WAMPP over it and it was great!.
Thanks for it!
However I stumbled upon a scenario I can’t seem to figure out.
How do I make available the MySQL DB inside the guest machine from the host machine?
Not really a server guy, not sure how to alter VCCW configuration.
So what I want is to access MySQL db from the guest via some tools ( MySQL Workbench for ex. ) and programmatically from the host machine.
Can you help me with that? or better yet, can you add it on the next release of VCCW (to allow MySQL db from guest to be accessible from the host)? I think that would be super awesome!
Again I you can find some time to respond to me 🙂
Thanks in advance
I recommend you to use WP-CLI. 🙂